Okayama Campus topics
- Okayama Campus
- 2024.07.08news
- GLOBOLA Serves It up at Tanabata Eco Night
- 2024.07.02news
- IB Educator Certificate Program Students Taught Inquiry-based Classes at Tottori Prefectural Kurayoshi Higashi Senior High School
- 2024.07.02news
- Students from the Okayama University of Science's Japanese Language Making Uchiwa Fans with the American-Brazilian Visitors
- 2024.07.01news
- Buddy Activities with Visiting Students from the US & Brazil
- 2024.07.01news
- 2024 GLOBOLA USA-Brazil Summer Festival
- 2024.05.22news
- International Exchange Activity between Students of the School of Education and the Chihlee University Technology
- 2024.05.16news
- Offering International Seminars to New Students