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IB Educator Certificate Program Students Hold Classes at Dalton Tokyo Junior & Senior High School


Third-year students of the International Baccalaureate Educator Certificate (IBEC) Program held math and chemistry classes for participants at the Dalton EXPO held on Saturday, March 18 at the Dalton Tokyo Junior & Senior High School. The Math Team taught a class titled "20 Doors," in which students solved a riddle using divisors and prime factorization, while the Chemistry Team taught a class titled "Let's Make Bath Bombs," in which students explored chemical reactions.

The IBEC students seemed nervous because not only students from Dalton Tokyo Junior & Senior High School but also prospective students considering to sit the Dalton Tokyo entrance exam and their parents attended the event. The event was a great success, with many students participating in both classes. Some students asked for more problems after solving the riddle. IBEC students were stimulated and motivated by their positive responses. Dalton Tokyo Junior & Senior High School teachers commented that they were glad to see the IBEC students provide participants the opportunity to “experience” learning in a positive way, inspiring enthusiasm and engagement.

The IBEC program strives to implement a variety of teaching techniques to train future teachers who will focus on inquiry-based pedagogy and individual student growth through learning.