On Friday, December 23, the students of GLOBOLA hosted an “International Christmas Party” at the 50th Anniversary Building.
The purpose of the event was to create an opportunity for Japanese and international students to interact with one another while enjoying Christmas themed activities. Approximately 25 people including GLOBOLA members and Global Center staff participated.
The party kicked off with an icebreaker activity called “Compatibility” where participants divided into five teams. Members of each team introduce themselves, discuss hobbies, likes, and dislikes they have in common, and use their similarities to come up with team names such as “Apple Cheesecake,” “Napolitan,” and “We Want to Eat Meat.”
The next activity was “Telephone Game,” a variation of charades where a team stands in a line. Each teammate gestures a given word to the person standing behind, and the last person must draw a picture of the word. The team that guessed correctly received a point
After the game, each participant opened a secret Christmas gift of their choice. The members of the team with the highest score in the Telephone Game were the first to choose.
As the party started to wrap up, a star-shaped pinata was brought out as a surprise activity. A pinata is a Kusudama which everyone hits with a stick like Suikawari until it breaks open. When that happens, sweets fall out and onto the floor!
Some participants mentioned, “I laughed a lot!” and” It was fun to interact with various people”.
The purpose of the event was to create an opportunity for Japanese and international students to interact with one another while enjoying Christmas themed activities. Approximately 25 people including GLOBOLA members and Global Center staff participated.
The party kicked off with an icebreaker activity called “Compatibility” where participants divided into five teams. Members of each team introduce themselves, discuss hobbies, likes, and dislikes they have in common, and use their similarities to come up with team names such as “Apple Cheesecake,” “Napolitan,” and “We Want to Eat Meat.”
The next activity was “Telephone Game,” a variation of charades where a team stands in a line. Each teammate gestures a given word to the person standing behind, and the last person must draw a picture of the word. The team that guessed correctly received a point
After the game, each participant opened a secret Christmas gift of their choice. The members of the team with the highest score in the Telephone Game were the first to choose.
As the party started to wrap up, a star-shaped pinata was brought out as a surprise activity. A pinata is a Kusudama which everyone hits with a stick like Suikawari until it breaks open. When that happens, sweets fall out and onto the floor!
Some participants mentioned, “I laughed a lot!” and” It was fun to interact with various people”.
The event ended on a high note.