Okayama University of Science and Mapúa University Hold another English Party
From August 30 – September 9, OUS Global Center and Mapua University's Office of International Careers and Exchange Program in the Philippines held the 8th OUS – Mapua English Party.
The opening ceremony was on August 23. Participants met and were placed in buddy groups.
There were four themed buddy meetings:
Self-introduction and My Favorite Thing – OUS and Mapua students introduced themselves and talked about their favorite things.
Traditional Japan – Japan gets very cultural during the summer. OUS students talked about their summer activities, and Mapua students asked questions.
Traditional Philippines – Conversely, Mapua students talked about their summer activities, and OUS students asked questions.
Beating the Heat – OUS and Mapua students discussed how they stay cool during the summer.
September 9 was the closing ceremony. OUS and Mapua students shared their memories and feelings about their buddy meetings and received Certificates of Participation. As with the previous parties, Mapua University students were friendly and enthusiastic when talking with their OUS buddies. Aoi Tatsumi, a 2nd-year student who has participated in several English Party events, commented that she particularly enjoyed the event because she can see how her English skills have progressed over time.
The closing ceremony was bittersweet as it marked the last OUS – Mapua event for Ms. Sheina Salvador, who has stepped down from her position as Coordinator for International Students at Mapua University to continue pursuing her master's degree in education. Her warmth, kindness, and friendship will be greatly missed. We look forward to working with her predecessors, Mr. Patrick Glenn O. Acorin and Ms. Karen Vivien Conducto.
Looking forward, the following online event with Mapua University will be an activity titled "Making a Change." The activity involves students having synchronous and asynchronous discussions about people around the world and in modern history who took action to improve life for themselves and their communities and even save the lives of others. Furthermore, as countries begin reopening their borders, the OUS Global Center and Mapua University's Office of International Careers and Exchange Program will start recruiting students interested in studying abroad. Students are encouraged to check in at the Global Center on the 4th floor of the C-1 building for details.
From August 30 – September 9, OUS Global Center and Mapua University's Office of International Careers and Exchange Program in the Philippines held the 8th OUS – Mapua English Party.
The opening ceremony was on August 23. Participants met and were placed in buddy groups.
There were four themed buddy meetings:
September 9 was the closing ceremony. OUS and Mapua students shared their memories and feelings about their buddy meetings and received Certificates of Participation. As with the previous parties, Mapua University students were friendly and enthusiastic when talking with their OUS buddies. Aoi Tatsumi, a 2nd-year student who has participated in several English Party events, commented that she particularly enjoyed the event because she can see how her English skills have progressed over time.
The closing ceremony was bittersweet as it marked the last OUS – Mapua event for Ms. Sheina Salvador, who has stepped down from her position as Coordinator for International Students at Mapua University to continue pursuing her master's degree in education. Her warmth, kindness, and friendship will be greatly missed. We look forward to working with her predecessors, Mr. Patrick Glenn O. Acorin and Ms. Karen Vivien Conducto.
Looking forward, the following online event with Mapua University will be an activity titled "Making a Change." The activity involves students having synchronous and asynchronous discussions about people around the world and in modern history who took action to improve life for themselves and their communities and even save the lives of others. Furthermore, as countries begin reopening their borders, the OUS Global Center and Mapua University's Office of International Careers and Exchange Program will start recruiting students interested in studying abroad. Students are encouraged to check in at the Global Center on the 4th floor of the C-1 building for details.